Tate Modern Elevator

I took this photo without him noticing, the light in elevator was just perfect. Not sure if the Tate is going to be keeping the orange lights now that the Olaf exhibition has finished and I haven’t been to the Tate modern since it finished. Each visit I made to the Tate over 2019 I made sure to spend at least 30 minutes traveling up and down in the Elevators.

I like the fact I’m close to my subjects and with the 56mm lens I’m able to separate people and most of the time I don’t get noticed. I try to keep the camera as low as possible, this way it gives the effect that I’m looking up. I’d like the Tate to put some different colours in the elevators as I’ll be continuing to take photos over the course of 2020.

I wanted to share some of my favourite photos from the Tate Modern elevator in this blog and I hope you enjoy them.